Eagle is a national pest control company that provides professional pest extermination and termite control services across the kingdom. Celebrating 20 years of dedicated and trust service, EAGLE is proud to display its source of loyal and trusted clients. Whether your needs are that of commercial, industrial, property, healthcare, food establishment or home; EAGLE gives out an excellent service to get rid of rodents, pests and other animals that cause serious health hazards. All of this comes with a 100% guarantee.
EAGLE has been providing pest control services since 1985. Our professionally trained technicians, supervisors and engineers are equipped with the latest technology. We offer services ranging from control operations to identification of pest problems and provisional Show more remedies.
EAGLE Pest Control Services (EPCS) is fully equipped with modern appliances and is capable to render any kind of pest extermination service under direct supervision of extremely competent technical personnel, providing complete customized protection from pests. With the strongest dedication towards service, EAGLE offers everything you need, and hence can assure you that you’ve made the right choice by selecting EAGLE.
EAGLE has adopted an integrated pest management (IPM) program by using state of the art chemicals and materials besides world-class technical knowhow. ‘Environment friendly, ultra-safe techniques and the best chemicals used by the latest machinery and equipment are the theme of our service. Above all, we believe in ‘ethical business with honesty and customer satisfaction’. The Environment Protection Agency of the United States and the World Health Organization (WHO) has approved all the chemicals used by EAGLE. This also conforms to the standards of the Saudi Ministry of Agriculture.
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