Transient Edge - Why Should I Stay in Your Hotel?

About the product
We will teach your guest representatives a magic formula for handing reservation inquiries, improving guest experiences and selling more rooms. The participants gain the skills, confidence and attitude to perform to their best ability. Through on going coaching and mystery shopping, they learn to integrate these new skills in the daily routine.

How Will They Do This?
We start with a thorough assessment and tailor the programme to your needs
We conduct a dynamic and engaging on-site mystery training event
We support skill development with on going coaching and Mystery Shopping
We provide web-based management reports that help you drive performance

Through a variety of techniques, including role-playing, employees will learn when, how and why to:
Establish rapport with potential clients
Identify caller needs
List the hotel's benefits that create value
Build value before quoting rates
Convert telephone inquiries into business using Signature's proven technique
Increase revenue by cross selling
Maximize revenue by offering legendary service
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