Hologram showcases by V-Studio Saudi Arabia

About the product
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Holoconic™ Hologram Display
Create an Unforgettable Experience
Create an integrative, out-of-this-world experience your audiences will never forget with Holoconic™ display holograms & LED transparent showcases.
Display holography is a large-scale optical illusion that plays a vital role in getting the attention-grabbing impact that audiences are seeking. Holoconic™ provides great effect for events, tradeshows, shops window, and wonderful marketing tool for retailing.
• feature 3D content as if it were floating in air
• customize to mix real objects with virtual content
• view content from multiple to all angles
• advanced gesture-recognition technologies
• Networkable, customizable and effectively memorable.

Holoconic™ LED transparent Video Display
Holoconic™ transparent video display showcase is the ultimate compliment to ambient branding activities. Using advanced technologies you can now display your actual product inside the showcase and play your promotional video on a transparent screen where both can be seen the same time providing an amazing vision.
LED video display showcases are also available in touchscreen providing wider range of possibilities to play more than one video at a time.

Holoconic™ a truly unique and amazing way to present objects, corporate images, videos, educational & training materials and more - a surefire way to get noticed.
Watch our exclusive video & experience the difference Holoconic™ can make.

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